Adamite Rolls

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Texture profile

The carbon content is usually in the range of 1.2-1.7%, component contains Cr, Ni, Mo and other alloying elements, roll with a special heat treatment process, compared with the conventional alloy steel roll has good wear resistance, thermal crack resistance, roll using layer hardness drop is small.

Main application

  • Wok roll for hot strip mill, plate mill, vertical roller mill Steckel.
  • Work rolls for 4Hi roughing hot strip mill.
  • Section mill roll, bloom roll.
  • Section mill roll edge roll, S roll.


aloloy cast steel roll

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Performance Indicators

Performance Index Units Numerical Value
Hardness HSD 42-55
Tensile strength MPa 550-800
Thermal conductivity Wm℃.at 500℃ 32-36

Swelling coefficient 

10-6/℃ 11-12
Young modulus 104MPa 21-23
Poisson’s ratio 0.24-0.28
Density Kg/m3 7750
Specific heat capacity J/g℃ 0.55
